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Author Pamela TreminThe Author

Growing up during the 1970s in the small town of San Diego, California, Pamela Tremain possessed an active imagination. Her favorite activity was to direct her friends and family members in homemade plays. From a young age, she learned that the world of make believe makes for the best stage.

Her mother and father were voracious readers and encouraged her to read as much as possible. Tremain also cherished being read to by her mother in the evenings before bed.

During her early years at school, Tremain struggled academically and teachers branded her “too lazy to learn.” By the end of the third grade, Tremain was finally diagnosed with dyslexia. In the 1970s dyslexia was termed “perception problems.” Her parents sent her to a small private school that specialized in retraining the eyes by introducing students to eye exercises. This private school, Learning Foundations, also focused on a more personalized way of learning; in 1974 the school had four teachers for 25 students.

The new school rekindled Tremain’s love of learning, undoing years of negative feedback she received under the tutelage of teachers who didn’t understand dyslexia. By fifth grade she was excelling in creative writing with her mentor and favorite teacher, Mrs. Kate O’Brien.

As an adult, Tremain stumbled into writing her first book, “Rupert’s Big Move,” purely by accident. It began when she created a metaphor for a friend who was suffering in a painful marriage.

“The story about Rupert the little green frog was told to two different people before I decided to sit down and write his story,” Tremain says. “The poor little fella didn’t even have a name for a very long time. I wrote the entire story in black ink with a blank line where his name was to be eventually filled in.”

When writing her children’s stories, Tremain describes her creative process as getting the puzzle pieces in her head out and onto paper. “Rupert’s Big Move” is the first book in the Rupert the Little Green Frog series; he has many more adventures to share with his readers.

Tremain lives in Northern California with her husband, three children and lots of fur babies to keep life fun and exciting. There is never a dull moment in the Tremain family home!

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