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Here are some of the dragonflies that inspired me to use a red dragonfly for one of the characters
in “Rupert’s Big Move,” Sparkling Red Dragonfly.



Fun facts about frogs and toads: The number of insects a frog or toad can eat in a single day depends on the species of frog or toad, its environment, the size of the frog or toad and the size of the insect. Some frogs and toads eat only one or two insects a day, while others can consume their own body weight in insects in a given day. The cricket frog is said to be able to consume nearly 5,000 small insects a day, like pesky mosquitoes.

Want fewer pesky insects? Make sure you have lots of frogs or toads. They’re good for the environment!

Here are some of my amphibious friends.




The following photographs were taken by

The author reads “Rupert’s Big Move” to an elementary school class.

Pamela Tremain book reading  Pamela Tremain School Book Reading  Pamela Tremain Reading Rupert's Big Move  Pamela Tremain Rupert's Big Move  Pamela Tremain Reading Rupert's Big Move  Pamela Tremain Rupert's Big Move


Rupert's Big Move Butterfly








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